Therapy for Trauma in Westchester
Trauma Treatment for Children, Teens & Adults in Eastchester New York
Traditional talk therapy won’t alleviate your trauma symptoms.
Trauma lives in your the mind AND body.
That’s why trauma treatment needs to combined nervous system regulation therapies rooted in creative, cognitive, mind-body, and behavioral methods.
Hi! I'm Emily Davenport.
Hi! I'm Emily Davenport.
I’m a trauma informed Licensed Board-Certified Art Therapist who specializes in holistic trauma therapy for teens, adults and parents.
I hold over 15-years of clinical experience supporting folks who struggle with traumatic stress, PTSD and C-PTSD.
My approach integrates Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and Art Therapy to foster well-being.
Now, a little bit of neuroscience. In order to heal trauma, you need to access your "emotional brain.”
Our Emotional brain, or limbic system, is responsible for processing emotions, storing memories and triggering the body's stress response. When the limbic system becomes overactive, it can lead to chronic conditions like traumatic stress.
Those who experience trauma are often stuck in a shutdown freeze mode.
Traditional talk therapy does not help you access your limbic system as it focuses solely on your “thinking” brain.
My approach helps you regulate and heal your nervous system through creative and body-based therapy that activate your limbic system.
I help children and adults address trauma, PTSD and C-PTSD
Common Trauma symptoms I can help you with:
Panic attacks
Feeling unsafe or on-edge
Flashbacks / re-living traumatic memories
Intrusive thoughts
Trouble concentrating feeling “foggy” or “out-of-it”
Feeling unworthy or unlovable
Trouble with intimacy and relationships
Physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches and body tension
I specialize in using these techniques to treat trauma:
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Art Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills
Art Therapy acts as a bridge between your mind and body, allowing you to access underlying experiences that contribute to traumatic stress.
Art Therapy is a type of psychotherapy involving creative self expression through various art making materials.
Through guided art making and talk therapy, individuals work towards resolving underlying stressors, practicing coping strategies, and actively soothing anxiety and stress.
What do Trauma Therapy sessions look like with an Art Therapist?
You do not need to be “artistic” or “creative” to benefit from my approach (really).
I offer creative, body-based, and talk therapy interventions to help you access the root of trauma and heal it. We’ll make art, and practice evidence-based therapy techniques in addition to talking.
You don’t need to “make art” in every session. However, we will offer the option of therapeutic art making as a tool to help you address anxiety.
We’ll talk, make art, and heal trauma.
I’m trained in art and talk therapy.
You don’t need to make art in every session.
I use structured art making prompts and techniques to help you address trauma from the inside out. However, it’s always your choice whether to make art, or not.
Take charge of your trauma symptoms today!
I’m here to help you set up an appointment and answer any questions!