What We Treat

At Davenport Creative Arts Therapy, we specialize in using Art Therapy and Evidence-Based Psychotherapy to address a wide range of challenges faced by children, teens, and young professionals. Our holistic and personalized approach allows for creative expression and deep emotional healing grounded in proven psychological methods. Below are the key areas we focus on:

Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety and depression are increasingly common, manifesting in ways that impact daily lives, academic performance, work and relationships. Through Art Therapy, children and young adults can express complex emotions that may be difficult to verbalize. Evidence-based techniques, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), are integrated to help them manage their symptoms, challenge negative thought patterns, and develop healthy coping strategies.

Our approach includes:

  • Art Therapy-based interventions to externalize anxious thoughts or depressive feelings.

  • Skill-building for emotional regulation and resilience.

  • Tailored psychotherapeutic interventions grounded in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Transitions & Life Changes

Life changes such as starting a new school, moving, or experiencing a family separation like divorce can be overwhelming. These transitions can cause anxiety, confusion, and emotional distress. Art Therapy offers a creative outlet for processing complex feelings and provides a safe space to make sense of these changes. Our approach integrates Art Therapy with trauma-informed care and Cognitive Behavioral therapies to help them develop resilience and adapt to new circumstances.

Support during transitions includes:

  • Art Therapy-based projects to express emotions related to change and loss.

  • Strengthening problem-solving skills to cope with new situations.

  • Teaching coping mechanisms for managing stress and anxiety related to life changes.

  • Providing a space to explore and understand family dynamics post-divorce.

  • Providing support and psychoeducation to parents for how best to support a child through a transition


If you or your child has experienced trauma, whether from a single event (PTSD) or prolonged exposure (C-PTSD), traditional talk therapy may not always suffice. Art Therapy provides a non-threatening way to access and process traumatic memories. Paired with Trauma-Focused CBT and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), our approach helps young people heal from trauma, build emotional safety, and reclaim control over their lives.

Trauma treatment includes:

  • Trauma informed expressive arts interventions to process memories safely.

  • Grounding techniques and somatic-based therapies to reconnect with the body.

  • Cognitive restructuring to shift harmful beliefs and increase emotional regulation.

  • EMDR Therapy to help reprocess traumatic experiences

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can lead to struggles with focus, impulsivity, and self-control, often impacting academic or work performance and relationships. Through the use of creative expression, folks with ADHD can channel their energy into productive outlets, enhancing focus and self-regulation. We combine Art Therapy with Behavioral Therapy and CBT, emphasizing organizational skills, impulse control, and positive reinforcement strategies.

Our ADHD-specific interventions include:

  • Art Therapy interventions that enhance attention and improve task completion.

  • Behavioral plans tailored to each child’s needs for improving self-management.

  • Parental coaching to implement effective strategies at home.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

For individuals on the autism spectrum, Art Therapy provides a unique means of communication, especially when verbal expression is challenging. We specialize in using visual art to foster connection, communication, and self-expression, while integrating therapies like Social Skills Training to improve interpersonal interactions, reduce anxiety, and build independence.

Our work with individuals on the spectrum includes:

  • Sensory-friendly art therapy interventions that support self-expression.

  • Structured interventions to teach social cues and develop peer relationships.

  • Visual supports to enhance understanding of emotions and self-regulation.

Social Skills & Behavioral Issues

Children and young adults with difficulties in social settings or who exhibit behavioral issues benefit from the non-judgmental space that Art Therapy provides. We use collaborative art-making to model and teach essential social skills such as empathy, cooperation, and conflict resolution. Our therapy integrates Social Skills Training, Behavioral Interventions, and role-playing activities to help them thrive in peer environments.

Key social skills interventions include:

  • Using Art therapy as a tool to play out roadblocks to social interactions in a supportive environment.

  • Behavioral modeling through creative role play and story creation.

  • Tailored behavioral plans to reduce disruptive behaviors and increase positive peer interactions.

  • Parent coaching using the Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA)


Low self-esteem can stem from a variety of issues, including bullying, academic challenges, or family dynamics. Art Therapy provides a safe space for individuals to explore their sense of self, build confidence, and celebrate their strengths. Through guided art-making, you can reframe negative self-concepts and develop a healthier self-image.

Our self-esteem building methods include:

  • Art Therapy projects that focus on strengths and personal growth.

  • Encouraging positive self-reflection and self-compassion through therapeutic techniques.

  • Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques to challenge negative self-talk and increase self-worth.

LGBTQ+ Youth

Children, teens, and young adults within the LGBTQ+ community may face additional stressors, including identity exploration, societal pressures, and bullying. At Davenport Creative Arts Therapy, we provide an inclusive and affirming space where young people can explore their identity, express themselves freely, and work through emotional difficulties. We integrate Art Therapy with Affirmative Therapy practices and Trauma-Informed Care to address the unique needs of LGBTQ+ individuals.

Support for LGBTQ+ clients includes:

  • Art-making as a safe way to explore identity and self-expression.

  • Addressing internalized stigma and building resilience through creative outlets.

  • Providing affirming therapy practices to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress related to identity.

  • Family support and psychoeducation for parents of LGBTQ+ youth.

Emotion Regulation

Wee take a holistic and individualized approach to teaching emotion regulation skills. By integrating Art Therapy with psychotherapeutic approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), we create a creative, and supportive environment to explore emotions and develop effective coping strategies. Difficulty in regulating emotions can lead to outbursts and struggles in relationships. Whether it's anger, sadness, or overwhelm, young people often need guidance and tools to handle strong feelings appropriately.

Support for emotion regulation Include:

  • Learning emotion regulation and distress tolerance skills within a DBT Skills framework

  • Using Mindfulness-Based techniques to self-soothe and reduce impulsive reactions such as aggression or withdrawal

  • Communicate more effectively with peers, teachers, and family members through interpersonal effectiveness skills, within a DBT framework

  • Customized Art Therapy directives to help build resilience in the face of life challenges and transitions

  • Create visual representations of their emotional experiences, providing them with insights into patterns and triggers.

Parenting & Parental Stress

Parenting can be one of the most rewarding and challenging roles, often leading to heightened stress, especially when a child is struggling emotionally or behaviorally. Our parent-focused sessions offer strategies and support for parents navigating complex dynamics. Using Art Therapy, we help parents gain insight into their relationship with their child and reduce stress through creative expression.

We offer support for:

  • Developing positive communication skills between parent and child.

  • Reducing stress using art-based mindfulness practices.

  • Teaching effective discipline and boundary-setting through Positive Parenting Techniques.

  • Building parental confidence using the Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA).

Why Choose Davenport Creative Arts Therapy?

Our expert team of licensed creative arts therapists are committed to providing compassionate, individualized care. By blending Art Therapy with evidence-based techniques, we ensure that every session is tailored to the unique needs of each child, teen, or young adult, promoting emotional growth, healing, and resilience.

Whether your child is struggling with anxiety, autism, or trauma, we are here to help them navigate their challenges creatively and effectively. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can support your family’s journey toward wellness.